Resource-based worker auto-tuning now in Public Preview.
Nexus enables durable executions across teams and clouds with modular APIs. Key updates include Update-With-Start for combining Workflow requests, Workflow Init for handling input arguments, and support for user metadata and memo updates.
Announcing Worker Auto-Tuning. This feature allows Workers to scale up to the maximum bounds of CPU and Memory of the underlying compute node you are running Workers in.
Fixes a bug where workflow_failedmetric may not be incremented if the workflow fails do to a NonDeterministicException.
This patch release reverts "Slot Auto-Tuning" support as it was causing a regression in local activity slot management and metrics.
Slot Auto-Tuning: New WorkerTuner, ResourceBasedTuner, and CompositeTuner for better resource use. Workflow Update: API changes, renamed options, required WorkflowUpdateStage. Spring Boot: Renamed packages; update dependencies.
The Start Delay workflow option is now available, allowing you to schedule future Workflow executions. Signals-With-Start bypass delays, while other signals are ignored. Set this option in the Workflow Options field of your SDK.
Java SDK v1.23.2: Fix environment variables in CI github action and Update proto API to 1.32.0
Java SDK v1.22.3
Java SDK v1.22.2
Java SDK v1.22.1
Java SDK v1.22.0
v1.20.0 of the Java SDK includes support for Schedules, Workflow Update, and Worker Versioning.
Adds encoding and encryption of Failures, GraalVM descriptors for core modules