TypeScript SDK Change Log

June 7, 2024

The Start Delay workflow option is now available, allowing you to schedule future Workflow executions. Signals-With-Start bypass delays, while other signals are ignored. Set this option in the Workflow Options field of your SDK.

June 3, 2024

Fix client connection timeout at

May 27, 2024

Reestablished compatibility with GLIBC 2.18+ for both x64 and arm64 architectures in TypeScript SDK v1.10.1 on Linux

May 20, 2024

Support for Node.js 14 and 16 dropped; upgrade to Node.js 18+ for compatibility and security. New features: API key support, improved logging, and enhanced diagnostics. Various bug fixes for stability and performance improvements.

February 23, 2024

"Fixed: Deprecated patch removal, query execution order, local activity markers post-task, activity completion pre-shutdown, updated protobuf for new event, and gRPC message limit regression.

January 9, 2024

TypeScript SDK v1.9.0 with the Workflow Update availability

December 8, 2023

TypeScript SDK v1.9.0-rc0 - Support for Workflow Update, major overhaul of logging support, Improvements to activity-related APIs and client-related APIs

September 13, 2023

TypeScript SDK v1.8.6

September 12, 2023

TypeScript SDK v1.8.5

December 7, 2022

v1.5.0 has support for Schedules, a new client.workflow.list API, and a new workflow.fetchHistory API.

July 26, 2022

We released a stable 1.0.0 version of our TypeScript SDK.