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Temporal offers the workflow visualization for the already executed steps - Timeline View. Temporalio.Graphs allows you to see the whole workflow scene regardless of how far the execution progressed.

This .NET package (Temoralio .NET extension) allows executing a normal workflow offline in mocked mode (e.g. during the CI build), generating a complete end-to-end graph based on the activities being visited/touched. The graph is encoded as Mermaid Diagrams syntax, which makes it easy to integrate into both product documentation and production live visualization (e.g. Dashboard).

Apart from simple straight workflows, the supported scenarios include decision nodes and loops. The product comes with graph generation samples and a concept dashboard that demonstrates how to use the generated diagram on the web page to indicate the workflow progress based on the data retrieved from the live (demo) system.


The animation below demonstrates the integration of the generated graph with the running workflows. Temporalio.Graphs Demo Gif

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About the Author

Oleg Shilo Headshot

Oleg Shilo