Go Code Generation with Temporal & Protobufs
protoc-gen-go-temporal is a protoc plugin for generating typed Temporal clients and workers in Go from protobuf schemas. This plugin allows:
- workflow authors to configure sensible defaults and guardrails
- simplifies the implementation and testing of Temporal workers
- and streamlines integration by providing typed client SDKs and a generated CLI application
Here's the "Temporal @ Hashicorp" Replay talk where we announced the plugin and gave a quick introduction to it:
Generated Client with:
- methods for executing workflows, queries, signals, and updates
- methods for cancelling or terminating workflows
- default client.StartWorkflowOptions and client.UpdateWorkflowWithOptionsRequest
- dynamic workflow ids, update ids, and search attributes via Bloblang expressions
- default timeouts, id reuse policies, retry policies, wait policies
Generated Worker resources with:
- functions for calling activities and local activities from workflows
- functions for executing child workflows and signalling external workflows
- default workflow.ActivityOptions, workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions
- default timeouts, parent cose policies, retry policies
Optional CLI with:
- commands for executing workflows, synchronously or asynchronously
- commands for starting workflows with signals, synchronously or asynchronously
- commands for querying existing workflows
- commands for sending signals to existing workflows
- typed flags for conventiently specifying workflow, query, and signal inputs
Generated Cross-Namespace (XNS) helpers: [Experimental]
- with support for invoking a service's workflows, queries, signals, and updates from workflows in a different temporal namespace
Generated Remote Codec Server helpers
Generated Markdown Documentation
This project was inspired by Chad Retz's awesome github.com/cretz/temporal-sdk-go-advanced and Jacob LeGrone's excellent Replay talk on Temporal @ Datadog