Using Temporal


Durable RAG with Temporal and Chainlit

Sergey Ustimenko

Sergey Ustimenko

VP of Technology

Boosting Conversational AI with Durable RAG, Temporal, and Chainlit

In recent years, conversational AI has seen remarkable improvements, thanks to advancements in machine learning models such as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG models combine the strength of large language models (LLMs) with external knowledge sources, improving the accuracy and relevancy of responses in real-time interactions. However, with the increasing complexity of conversational systems, managing long-running AI tasks, optimizing user interactions, and scaling such solutions have become challenges for developers.

To address these concerns, Techfabric wrote a detailed blog discussing the integration of Temporal, a workflow orchestration platform, and Chainlit, a framework for building interactive agents, with RAG has emerged as a game-changer. In this post, we’ll explore how these technologies work together to build a Durable RAG system that provides reliable, efficient, and scalable conversational AI.

What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

RAG is a technique that augments language generation models by incorporating real-time retrieval of external knowledge. Instead of relying solely on pre-trained data, RAG can dynamically query databases, documents, or other knowledge sources to provide more contextually relevant responses. This ability to retrieve and use up-to-date information makes RAG particularly valuable for applications where accuracy and timeliness are crucial, such as customer support, legal services, or business intelligence.

However, while RAG offers the potential for more informed conversations, it also brings new challenges:

  1. Workflow Orchestration: RAG models involve multiple processes, such as fetching external data and integrating it with language generation. Ensuring these processes run smoothly across long durations is essential.
  2. Scalability and Reliability: The model must be able to handle high-demand environments without sacrificing performance or accuracy.
  3. User Interaction: Building a system where users can interact smoothly with RAG-based agents requires intuitive tools and interfaces.

This is where Temporal and Chainlit come into play, providing solutions for these challenges and enhancing the overall RAG experience.

Introducing Temporal: Orchestration for Durable Workflows

Temporal is an open-source platform designed for orchestrating long-running workflows. It helps manage and automate complex processes by breaking them into smaller tasks that can run concurrently or sequentially. With Temporal, developers can handle workflows that involve multiple services and ensure that these services operate smoothly over time.

In the context of a Durable RAG system, Temporal plays a critical role in maintaining the efficiency and resilience of the model:

  • Durable Execution: Temporal ensures that tasks are not lost due to errors or interruptions. It makes workflows resilient by retrying failed tasks and persisting their state, which is vital for long-running RAG processes.
  • Scalability: Temporal allows RAG workflows to scale effortlessly, accommodating more complex use cases or higher demand without compromising performance.
  • Resource Optimization: By optimizing the way RAG retrieves and processes external data, Temporal helps ensure that resources are used efficiently, reducing operational costs in the long term.

For example, imagine a customer support bot that uses RAG to answer technical queries. The bot may need to retrieve data from various sources, such as user manuals, product databases, and customer histories. With Temporal, this multi-step workflow can be orchestrated effectively, ensuring that data retrieval, response generation, and error handling are coordinated smoothly.

Chainlit: Enhancing User Interaction in Conversational AI

Chainlit is a framework designed to simplify the development of AI-powered conversational agents. It focuses on creating intuitive user interfaces, making it easier for developers to build and deploy AI agents that are interactive and user-friendly. In combination with RAG and Temporal, Chainlit helps to bridge the gap between complex AI workflows and human users.

Here’s how Chainlit enhances a Durable RAG system:

  • Seamless User Experience: Chainlit offers pre-built components for common interactions, such as chatbots, data visualizations, and feedback systems. This allows developers to focus on the AI’s core functionality, leaving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to Chainlit’s highly customizable framework.
  • Rapid Prototyping and Deployment: Chainlit enables faster development of conversational agents. Its framework supports quick iterations, allowing developers to experiment with new features or integrations with minimal hassle.
  • Support for Complex Interactions: RAG-based systems often require multiple steps to generate accurate and useful responses. Chainlit’s user interface components help present this complexity in a way that’s clear and easy for end-users to navigate, improving overall satisfaction.

For instance, in a legal advice chatbot that leverages RAG to provide accurate legal references, Chainlit can provide a sleek, user-friendly interface where users can input queries, view references, and ask follow-up questions—all while the underlying RAG system works to retrieve relevant documents and generate contextually aware responses.

Building a Durable RAG System with Temporal and Chainlit

Now that we understand the individual strengths of Temporal and Chainlit, let’s explore how these technologies can be integrated to create a Durable RAG system that delivers reliability, efficiency, and scalability.

1. Defining Long-Running Workflows: A Durable RAG system involves multiple steps such as querying external data sources, processing information, and generating language responses. Temporal enables developers to define these steps as durable workflows, ensuring that each step is completed correctly, even in the face of system failures.

2. Managing Complex Interactions: RAG systems often involve interacting with multiple databases or external APIs. Temporal handles this complexity by orchestrating these interactions, ensuring that data is retrieved efficiently and responses are generated in a timely manner.

3. Streamlining User Experience: Chainlit is the front-end solution that allows users to interact seamlessly with the Durable RAG system. With customizable UI components, Chainlit ensures that even complex workflows appear simple and intuitive to end-users.

Ensuring Scalability and Reliability: Combining Temporal’s orchestration with Chainlit’s user-friendly interfaces ensures that the Durable RAG system is not only powerful but also scalable and reliable. Whether you’re building a system for a small team or deploying a solution that serves thousands of users, Temporal and Chainlit work together to ensure that your RAG model performs optimally under load.


By integrating Temporal and Chainlit with Retrieval-Augmented Generation, developers can build a Durable RAG system that addresses the challenges of complex, long-running workflows and user interaction. Temporal’s ability to manage durable and scalable workflows complements Chainlit’s user-friendly interface for building conversational agents, resulting in a powerful AI system that can handle the demands of modern applications.

This combination offers a practical and efficient way to scale conversational AI, making it more reliable, cost-effective, and user-friendly. Whether you’re building an AI-powered customer support system or an intelligent agent for knowledge retrieval, leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your RAG-based solution’s performance and user experience.

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